no more


Hiring of the Indian company was a mistake. They did not comply with deadlines, they had no developers available when what was supposed to be allegedly ill, the communication was difficult and truncated, despite having a very detailed document of what needed to be done. It is frustrating and expensive.

Let’s use a freelancer developer


I hired, through the portal, an Indian software development company to execute the 53 -page file specification of OpenPBL. The document details everything needed by a developer to create the Moodle plugin I need to meet the OpenPBL Methodological Model.

No help from Moodle Partners


Throughout this doctorate, I contacted several Moodle Partners from different countries, including Brazil (in this case face-to-face). I presented the idea of ​​OpenPBL, showed the social impact it could have, highlighted the advantage for Moodle and who to develop a plugin to make Moodle enabled to deal with authenthic PBL. I never got an answer from anyone, I was ignored, simple as that.

OpenPBL in Mexico


I traveled to Mexico, to present a work on OpenPBL, at this time reasonably specified. Very good the experience in the city of Guadalajara, where I could talk to schoolars involved in PBL implementation in other Latin America countries.

OpenPBL basic idea was approved


I defended my qualification for the second doctorate. What had to do to make OpenPBL a reality was already all defined, taking as a context of technological implementation a plugin for Moodle, as I saw in the first formal contact with PBL in consulting for the Catari Research Group.

Curricular PBL in Curitiba


I traveled to Curitiba, visit the Little Prince College, where prof. Kaufman had implemented, years earlier, curricular PBL. It was the first in a series of visits to educational institutions that use PBL curricularly, and it was another great step towards the practical understanding of the methodology applied in the medical area.

Thank you Dr. Kaufman


I ended my participation in the Ergodesign event as a staff. The scientific conference, promoted at UFSC, allowed me to meet prof. David Kaufman, from Simon Fraser University, Canada, who provided me with very valuable information on PBL methodology and deployment of curricular PBL.

OpenPBL gets a practical format


I finished in record time the class phase of the second doctorate, reached the number of publications necessary for the doctorate, I already raised the entire bibliographic reference necessary for the second thesis. Now comes the creation work, with more pragmatic ideas on OpenPBL.

As of now, I am EdD


Today I finished the first doctorate, the thesis was successfully defended, which gives me more time to research PBL and associated technologies. From now on, I am Doctor in Education taking another doctoral degree in Knowledge Management.

OpenPBL as a thesis


I started the second PhD (without yet the first one done). The proposed research theme was accepted: a proposal to use technology to support a Methodological PBL model for implementation in different pedagogical contexts besides the curriculum PBL. I have already developed the logo, an open green door (OpenPBL) in a dark place (traditional teaching methodologies), which gives access to outer light, which symbolizes the independence gained when learning to solve problems, when learning to learn.