What we do

We provide knowledge about active learning methodologies, in several languages, to educators around the world. We do this for free. We have created a method to facilitate the implementation PBL (Problem Based Learning) and PjBL (Project Based Learning). All the tutorial is available for free, just read it and learn how to use PBL and PjBL in your educational scenario.

We also provide a web service with an application that helps implement PBL and PjBL in different learning scenarios. As the costs involved are beyond our ability to afford, we offer it for free with limitations that do not prevent a teacher from individually using the application. At the same time, those who can afford to use technology more widely pay for it. The amount paid helps pay for what is offered free of charge to those who do not have the financial resources to pay. If you want to use our web service, click here.

We provide scientific research support for studies on active learning methodologies. We provide free access to the web service  in a way that researchers and educators can make use of OpenPBL (the methodology and the web service) to improve it and reach broader social impact results. If you want to be part of our research network, contact us.

We manage donations, in a process in which donors help teachers with no financial conditions to use the web service in its paid mode. The donor can donate an amount on a one-off or systematic basis, having reports on the social results funded by such donations. But it can also fund the use of the web system for specifically chosen teachers, from low-income countries, so that they can closely monitor the social impact of their action. If you want to be a donor, click here.