Active learning for all

Implement group activities with your students and allow for thoughtful assessment by the student himself (self-assessment), by colleagues and by the tutor. Establish aspects of learning to be evaluated, each with its own weight in the final grade. Promote active learning facilitated by the OpenPBL platform.


The illustration below shows the OpenPBL platform being used by a student to evaluate a colleague's performance, observing different aspects defined by the tutor.

To best take advantage of this project, please read below for instructions on each major section of the site, accessible them by clicking the icon      in the corner of the screen.



Explore the fundamentals of authentic PBL (Problem Based Learning), learn how to create rubrics to evaluate learning from different aspects, and learn how to differentiate PBL from project-based learning.

Get a sense of what active learning methodologies are and what PBL represents in this context. Understand the purpose of this site, its features, and how you can get the most out of it.

Get an overview


Explore examples of using OpenPBL in different learning scenarios and see how you can use this framework to enhance your classes with active learning methodologies.

The OpenPBL platform can be applied to both small groups (PBL) and large classes, dividing the class into several groups for the same activity or different activities. The platform simplifies the management of grades given by different parties. See our examples.

See the examples


Learn how to use the OpenPBL platform to form groups of students, submit activities with rubric-based assessment, self-assessment and peer assessment.

See how to use the OpenPBL technological tool even in a conventional educational context, with lectures, group or individual work, with or without self-assessment and peer assessment.

Access the manual


Understand how you can share an OpenPBL activity created in the app with other users. Also learn how to get an activity already created and shared into the app, so that you can change, mix, and reuse it together with your students.

Learn how to get OpenPBL activities ready to accelerate your use of the platform to promote active learning activities with your students.

Read more


This section presents the documentation about the application. The images are in English only, but the text is translated into your language. Thus, you have all the instructions for using the application to properly use its features.

Learn in an illustrated way about how authentic PBL (aPBL) works, the challenges for using it in "conventional" education contexts, how to implement OpenPBL activities and how to use the application to make your life easier as a teacher.

Learn OpenPBL


To reach as many people as possible, the content on this site is written in English and translated in real time by artificial inteligence into several other languages. Because of this, it is important that you are aware of the following cases:

Translation failures may occur, as the process is dynamic. Some letters that should be capitalized may appear lowercase, wrong conjugation of tense verbs, and the misrepresentation of the meaning of some expressions..

We still don't have the history to look at translation quality for some languages, especially those of non-Western origin. Please let us know if you identify serious problems understanding the text.